Interest Groups & Activities

Our interest groups and activities enable our members to come together in social settings, to get to know each other on a more personal level, and to have fun doing things that interest them. Some of the groups are full and are not accepting new members.

General Calendar
Interest Groups

Members Only (Password Required)

General Calendar

(by Days of Week)


 2nd. & 4th. Mon  Mah Jongg (Experienced Players Group) (1:00 PM)

       3rd. MonSoup Kitchen (TBD)


     Every Tues.      Book Sort (10:00 AM – 12:00 PM) – (October to June) 

     Tuesday (or Wed.) afternoons   Mah Jongg (for Newbies) – 12:30 or 1:00 PM

      1st. Tues.         Cinema Group (1:00 PM in-person or 7:00 PM on Zoom)

      2nd. Tues.        Lunch Bunch (12:30 PM) (September to June)

      4th. Tues.      3 Book Discussion Groups (12:30PM or 1:00PM)

          • The BOOKMARKS Book Discussion Group
          • FEED N’ READ Book Discussion Group
          • MS. PRINTS Book Discussion Group


     Wednesday (or Tues.) afternoons   Mah Jongg (for Newbies) – 12:30 or 1:00 PM

     2nd Wed.       Wednesday Afternoon Book Discussion Group (1:30 PM) 

     3rd. Wed.       Books N More Book Discussion Group (other dates/times)

     (Trips & Treks) Members Only) (other dates /times announced)


    Every Thurs.       Book Sort – 10:00 am – 12:00 PM (Apr. – Jun.)

                                   Canasta Group – 1:00 PM

                                   Bridge Group – 1:00 – 3:00 PM

   2nd or 3rd Thurs.     Branch Meetings (at location announced or on Zoom) – 1:00 PM or 7:00 PM (as announced)




Event Calendar


Bridge Group                               tn-lg-bridge                                                               

This group meets on Thursdays 1:00 to 4:00 PM (year-round).

Canasta Group                                                                                                          

This group meets at members’ homes on Thursday Afternoons at 1:00 PM.  At present, we are not accepting new members.

Cinema Group


“Twin Cinema” Group will be holding meetings on the first Tuesday of the month at 1:00 PM for in-person meetings and at 7:00 PM  for Zoom Meetings. (Alternate days/times, as announced).  The chosen movie is watched prior to the meeting, the group discusses the movie at the meeting, and the next movie is chosen.  When the group meets on Zoom, all Branch members are invited to join.  For in-person meetings, branch members can only attend if space allows. Branch members that wish to attend on a regular basis should join the group, which is accepting new members.  

Literature Groups 


There are five book discussion groups.  Some of the groups are not accepting new members.  Normally, participants meet at members’ home and bring their lunch. Refreshments are provided by the hostess. Selections for the year, voted on from members’ suggestions, are made at the May meetings.  Some meetings are now meeting via Zoom.  Chairs send out specifics to their group members and dates and time for the meetings, prior to each meeting.

Note: No Meetings in December



Dates & Times vary

  • TBD


Usually Meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month, at 1:00 PM

  • TBD


Usually meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month, at 12:30 PM 

  • TBD


Usually meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month, at 1:00 PM 

Tentative (Subject to Change)

  • TBD

Wednesday Afternoon Book Discussion Group

Usually meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each monthat 1:30 PM

  • TBD

2023-204 Book Groups

2022-2023 Book Groups

2021-2022 Book Groups

2020-2021 Book Groups

2019-2020 Book Groups

2018-2019 Book Groups

2017-2018 Book Groups

2016-2017 Book Groups

2015-2016 Books

Lunch Bunch plate

This group meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 12:30 p.m., for a casual meal in an area restaurant. 


Mah Jongg           

This group meets twice a month on Monday afternoons (2nd. and 4th. Mondays).

We are currently looking for a permanent Mah Jongg player to join our game.

Mah Jongg (for Newbies)

Our new Mah Jongg “students” are learning the game, developing strategies, and having fun! They typically meet on a Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon, usually around 12:30 or 1:00 but always working around Lunch Bunch and our various interest group meetings!


church.potluck.06Pot Luck Dinner (On Hold)

Potluck Dinner at Members’ homes during month of February (Replaces February Branch Meeting)

Recognition Luncheonglobal-employee-recognition

The Recognition Luncheon, which is held in the month of June, has been an annual event for many years.  It is an opportunity to socialize with those we see all the time and those we don’t get a chance to visit with very often. We always have a very enjoyable gathering and are glad that many of our members are able to join us.

Travel Information Group2141239_travel

The purpose of the Travel Information Group is to explore as many different types of travel and travel experiences as possible.  The group calls on our widely traveled membership to volunteer to speak about a travel destination, share experiences, pictures, planning, modes of travel, etc.  Meetings are informal, yet informative. The group meets at a member’s home, afternoons (1:30 PM), four times per year (in October & November, April & May) – Dates are announced in Newsletter.

Trips and Treks (Cultural Affairs)                                                              Capture_Trips & Treks

Each month trips are planned to various locations in NY and NJ, where we take docent-led tours of museums and other places of interest.  During winter months, instead of monthly trip: we participate in Ladies Afternoon at the Movies. Carpools are facilitated for those wishing to attend. Since COVID, a number of trips have been “virtual trips,” whereby, we visited locations virtually and met via Zoom to discuss our trips.

Some destinations we’ve visited are:

Some of our Virtual Trips have been recorded and are available for our members to view.  Please visit the members only pages, for links to these videos.

Yarn Crafters Group

Knit & Crochet for a Cause

Yarn Crafters is a new AAUW Freehold group for members who like to knit or crochet, or would like to learn.  Currently we meet the first Tuesday of each month at 1PM at the home of one of our members.

We currently are making hats, scarves, baby blankets, stuffies and afghans. We donate through Open Door, EHAP (for homeless men and women), The Village Foster Family Closet, Embrella (formerly Foster and Adopted Family Services) and Jewish Family (Senior) Services.

To date we have donated 6 stuffed teddy bears; 18 crocheted hats; 15 crocheted scarves; 11 crocheted blankets. We now donate through Project Linus (for children at risk and in foster care) as well as Embrella (a foster agency), The Village Foster Family Closet, Open Door (for homeless) and Jewish Family Services( for seniors in need).

A special thank you to all those people who have donated YARN to the group. It takes anywhere between 5 -7 skeins of yarn to make a blanket, so these donations are very much appreciated.

If you can crochet or knit or would like to learn please join us. It’s fun, creative and it feels wonderful to donate our work to those in need.

Members (Only) – Password Required: 

See Board & Committees (Members Only) page for links to all members only pages

 See Officers & Committees (Members Only) page for Interest Group and Activities Contacts. 

See Trips & Treks – Upcoming (Members Only)

See Trips & Treks – Past (Members Only)

Please see the emails from our Branch Google Group for most recent information for our interest groups and activities!